Vehicle E-screening. Screen and sort on approach.
E-screening systems enable real-time monitoring and evaluation of vehicle conditions and driver performance to reduce potential safety risks through targeted inspection, faster procedures, and reduced downtime.

Vehicles inspected. Violations detected.
Mainline E-screening systems screen commercial vehicles on approach to weigh stations using in-road and roadside sensors. Compliant vehicles can bypass inspection. Potential violations are directed for inspection, helping reduce emissions, congestion, and delays, and optimizing weigh station real estate for safety. Our Intelligent Roadside Operations Computer (iROC) enables real-time credential and safety screening, including checks against FMCSA and SAFER databases, state databases for intrastate vehicles, permits, and tax violations, site-managed hotlists, credential overrides, and enables referrals for further processing.
Ramp E-screening. Inspections on approach.
Our Ramp E-screening systems operate on weigh station entrance ramps to screen commercial vehicles as they pass over sorting sensors. Potential violations are directed to report for inspection, while compliant vehicles can simply bypass. Slower-speed weighing ensures higher accuracy, and allows operators to view all trucks, and perform service and maintenance when the station is closed.