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Vehicle speed data. Gathered and published by Bordeaux Métropole.

By publishing data from Icoms I-SAFE 2 radar speed signs, a French authority increases transparency and helps meet the nation’s commitment to Open Data.

To improve road safety, the Bordeaux Métropole (a French public authority) took unprecedented steps to dive deeper into traffic flows by installing I-SAFE 2 radar speed display signs. By publishing data from them, the authority provides transparency and helps meet the nation’s commitment to Open Data.



Gather vehicle speed data. Put it to good use. 

Bordeaux Métropole has used I-SAFE radar speed signs to manage traffic for quite some time. They recently acquired additional new I-SAFE 2 radar speed display signs and installed them at critical points throughout their roadways to alert drivers of their (excessive) speed. 

The radar speed signs have proven to be extremely effective at increasing road safety. While they’re designed to display the speed of vehicles approaching them, they also gather the measured vehicles’ speeds and convert that into invaluable and actionable data—revealing the “speeding” behavior of motorists.

I-SAFE 2 radar speed sign locations


Radar speed signs. Open data network.

Two new features allow I-SAFE signs to transfer, and publish the speed data they collect. 

  1. 3G modems send the data to the Icoms Detections server on a regular basis. 
  2. An API developed by Icoms Detections in close collaboration with Bordeaux Métropole that allows the public authority to automatically extract data from the signs to populate its data warehouses and publish the data on its platform.
Average speeds displayed by location

The data collected includes the speed, direction of travel, and time of passage. Therefore, identifying peak hours or times is straightforward when the speed is highest. The comparisons are easy, and it's simple to see a picture of how traffic is responding.

Bordeaux Métropole makes the following data available on an hourly basis:

  • Average/minimum/maximum speed
  • Standard deviation (speed)
  • Percentile (speed)
  • Volume


A commitment to sharing data. France is leading the way.

France is one of the countries leading the way in opening up public data, having passed the Digital Republic act in 2016. The country ranks as one of the top five in the world for open data, scoring highly for government action. Publishing public data has the ultimate objective of helping to innovate and create new services in the interest of all. Mobility data such as those reported by behavior-modifying radar speed signs are useful in more ways than one, both for citizens and for developers of third-party applications.

Bordeaux Métropole and Icoms Detections worked closely together to develop this solution, which is perfectly in line with their mutual desire to solve for smarter cities.

Safer bike lanes across Amsterdam. Thanks to radars and accurate data collection.

Multisensors integrates the Icoms TMA-3B3 radar/lidar bicycle counter into its Signum solution used by the City of Amsterdam for high-quality bicycle data.

Cycling is synonymous with daily European life—especially in Amsterdam, where 400,000 cyclists ride to their destinations every day. However, where there are cities full of cyclists, there’s congestion. Our Dutch partner, Multisensors, asked Ewald Dijkstra, Senior Advisor of Mobility Research at the City of Amsterdam, what challenges they face in the field of bicycle mobility, and why they chose the Signum bicycle counter to help solve the problem.


Quality bicycle data collection. Essential to solving congestion.

Dijkstra pointed out that while motorized traffic is fairly well known, there is very little data on bicycle traffic, and what does exist—in the way of data—consists mostly of snapshots. He explained that the tech used so far, such as induction loops or pneumatic tubes, are unreliable or too fragile for permanent use. The Amsterdam municipality needs an accurate picture (as opposed to snapshots), based on reliable data, of the actual bicycle congestion across the city. The challenge is to understand the bottlenecks and make the cycle paths safer by optimizing the flow of cyclists.


Studies conducted. Radars tested. 

Dijkstra conducted a comparative study at a test site and found that the Signum radar was more reliable than manual counting. The accuracy is well over 90%, even during peak hours and bicycle congestion. The data (volume, speed, direction) is naturally anonymous and accessible online in real time. A game, and accurate-data-collecting-changer. 


Icoms Signum Radars. Doppler and Lidar tech.

The tech behind Icoms Signum is the TMA-3B3, designed and manufactured in Belgium by Icoms Detections, with multi sensors that integrate into a customized housing. This sensor combines a Doppler radar and a lidar. The lidar helps separate individual bicycles from groups, making the product particularly accurate in counting.

The radar communicates with a modem via an RS-232 link, and a solar panel makes it autonomous and functional 24/7/365, enabling continuous measurement. This allows the city of Amsterdam to understand the relative ridership at the various measurement points, considering external factors influencing bicycle traffic, such as periodic events or weather conditions.



IBTTA Global Road Safety Week: Fostering Innovation for Safer Roads and Bridges

Join Quarterhill in celebrating IBTTA's Global Road Safety Week (June 24-28) with our 'Be Safe Together' campaign. Discover how our innovative technologies, like TACS and e-screening, enhance road and bridge safety, reduce traffic congestion, and protect vulnerable road users. Learn more about our commitment to creating safer roadways for everyone.

Why Road Safety Matters

There's no denying the urgency of safeguarding human life on our roads and bridges. The quest for enhanced road safety is at the heart of everything we do here at Quarterhill, especially as we gear up for IBTTA’s inaugural Global Road Safety Week on June 24-28. The ‘Be Safe Together’ campaign isn’t just a slogan; it’s a clarion call for collective action to make our roads less hazardous. This movement spotlights the collective responsibility of international players to pioneer and implement strategies that aim at decreasing road fatalities and accidents. Each innovation we introduce and each measure we implement is a step closer to ensuring that everyone, from the casual commuter to the long-haul truck driver, arrives at their destination safely.

Why We Develop Safety Technologies

For over 40 years, our focus has been on developing technologies that address the critical needs of road safety. We developed these technologies because we believe that safety doesn't just happen; it requires proactive measures and continuous improvement. Our Tire Anomaly Classification System (TACS) and e-screening systems were created to detect and monitor safety issues before they become critical, helping shape safer practices among road and commercial vehicle operators.

Technology for Bridges and Tolling Applications

Our commitment to safety extends to critical infrastructure components like bridges and tolling systems. Bridges require precise monitoring to ensure their integrity and safety, and our Weigh-In-Motion technology, combined with advanced sensors, provides real-time data on vehicle weights, helping to prevent damage and extend the lifespan of bridge structures.

Quarterhill is also at the forefront of enhancing road safety with its advanced toll road systems, which notably reduce traffic congestion and incorporate innovative technologies. The implementation of dynamic toll pricing, for instance, discourages peak-time travel, effectively minimizing the bumper-to-bumper traffic that often leads to accidents and delays. Additionally, our electronic toll collection (ETC) systems facilitate smoother traffic flow by removing the need for vehicles to stop at toll booths, which significantly decreases the risk of collisions.

Modern toll roads equipped with Quarterhill’s technology feature state-of-the-art safety protocols, such as automated incident detection systems that promptly alert operators to accidents or hazards on the road, enabling a quicker emergency response. Furthermore, these toll roads are maintained to a higher standard, with continuous monitoring and timely maintenance that are essential in preventing accidents caused by road defects. In essence, Quarterhill’s toll road technology not only streamlines the driving experience but also plays a crucial role in ensuring that journeys are safer for everyone.

The recent acquisition of Red Fox ID by Quarterhill further strengthens the safety performance of our tolling solutions. Red Fox’s Quantum technology, including Quantum LiDAR and Quantum HYBRID, provides high-accuracy vehicle detection and classification in all traffic and weather conditions. These advanced sensor technologies support overhead detection and classification, ensuring minimal in-pavement installation and high reliability. By integrating Quantum’s solid-state LiDAR and hybrid solutions, we enhance the safety and efficiency of tolling operations, reducing the need for road closures that place service technicians and the public at risk.

By leveraging these innovations, we support the evolving needs of the tolling industry, making tolling operations safer and more efficient.

Supporting Vulnerable Road Users

Quarterhill's radar technologies play a crucial role in enhancing road safety, offering significant benefits for vulnerable users such as cyclists and pedestrians. Notably, through products like speed display signs and intersection detection systems, these technologies foster safer shared spaces.

The I-SAFE speed display signs equipped with radar technology effectively manage vehicle speeds in crucial areas. By detecting and displaying the speed of passing vehicles, these signs encourage drivers to reduce their speed, creating a safer environment for pedestrians and cyclists. This immediate feedback mechanism is essential in areas where slower speeds can greatly reduce the risk of accidents.

Intersection detection systems, such as the Icoms TMB-134, significantly boost safety at crossings for both cyclists and pedestrians. For cyclists, radar detection at intersections identifies their presence and can automatically trigger a green light, reducing wait times and discouraging risky crossing behaviors. This technology ensures that cyclists are integrated into the traffic flow safely and efficiently.

Similarly, radar detection aids pedestrians at intersections by detecting their intent to cross and extending walk lights as needed. This feature is particularly beneficial in ensuring that pedestrians, including those who move more slowly, can cross safely without the pressure of a rapidly changing light. Such systems can adapt in real-time to the pedestrian traffic flow, essentially customizing safety measures to immediate requirements and creating a safer, more inclusive roadway infrastructure.

Looking Forward

We are proud to support the ‘Be Safe Together’ campaign, recognizing that real change comes from collaboration. By combining our technological innovations with intelligent policies and campaigns, we can create safer roadways for everyone.

Join us in celebrating Global Road Safety Week and learn more about our efforts to enhance road safety worldwide.

For more information about the ‘Be Safe Together’ campaign, visit IBTTA’s Be Safe Together.

It’s about compliance and safety. Not enforcement.

The principal aim of a successful truck enforcement program is not to catch offenders. The aim is compliance — and improved road safety.

The goal of successful enforcement programs is to not catch offenders. Despite public perception, and among the mainstream media, revenue-raising is not the primary aim of enforcement. The aim is compliance — and improved road safety.

Case studies demonstrate how the introduction of commercial vehicle enforcement tech, or compliance tech, has had a positive influence on operator and fleet safety standards. Over time,the number of citations has decreased significantly. Drivers and fleet owners/operators come to understand that not complying is simply not worth it.

Not all failures to meet regulations are due to criminality or willful dismissal of what should be done. Often, it is the result of lax behavior which needs to be rectified—to ensure that a vehicle is safe to use is not time wasted, or one could think of it as time better spent doing more important things.


Improved compliance. Thanks to tech.

Virtual Weigh-In-Motion (VWIM) stations can improve compliance across a wider geographic area, as well as flag an wide variety of infringements and safety hazards. They can dramatically increase the distances at which pre-screening can be successfully and consistently carried out, extending the efficiencies and capabilities of enforcement officials, whose numbers and availability can often be limited. 

VWIM can also be used to solve a long-standing problem associated with weight enforcement—avoidance of inspection by choosing alternatives to primary and preferred routes.

The result is weight-compliant vehicles constrained to those routes and road structures designed to carry them, and far less damage to secondary and tertiary roads by large, illegally operating vehicles.


Virtual weigh stations. No need for inspection stops. 

Quarterhill’s Virtual Weigh Station combine VWIM with other technologies to deliver even more vehicle safety information to enforcement personnel without requiring stops for inspection.

For instance, over-dimension vehicles are a major safety concern for many agencies. They can damage bridges, cause accidents and disrupt traffic flow. Over-height, over-width, and over-length detection using vehicle dimensioning technology is an effective way to reduce bridge strikes by those vehicles.

A VWS equipped with WIM sensors, over-height detection, and TACS

A virtual weigh station that incorporates vehicle dimensioning improves road safety and helps prevent costly damage to bridges, vehicles, and their drivers. Enforcement agencies can monitor for vehicles that pose a risk so those vehicles can be stopped before they do any damage.